Scania signs agreement for increased flexibility

ScaniaScania has signed an agreement with the Swedish Metal Workers’ Union at Scania as part of the company’s efforts to boost flexibility at the production units in Sweden. The agreement regulates flexible working time and flexible staffing so that Scania can adapt human resources to fluctuations in demand. Both Scania and the Swedish Metal Workers’ Union at Scania are in agreement that a long-term sustainable solution is required in order to ensure flexibility.

«The agreement will play an important part in our future ability to meet rapid changes in demand. It enhances our long-term ability to retain core competence at our production units,» says Anders Nielsen, Executive Vice President and Head of Production and Logistics at Scania.

For a long time, Scania has worked on boosting flexibility in production by using various methods. The new agreement means that the time bank system will continue in essentially the same way. The time bank system enables compensation to an employee to be held at a stable level, while he or she works more hours when demand is high and fewer hours when demand is low.

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